Plastic pallets have become indispensable in all industrial sectors. Due to the dimensional stability and high resilience, these are increasingly replacing the classic wooden pallets and are particularly practical in the pharmaceutical and food industries due to the hygienic cleaning methods.
So that the environmentally friendly reusable system is not interrupted, professional cleaning is a prerequisite for the multiple use of the pallets.
As a specialist in pallet cleaning, we have a modern and energy-efficient pallet washing system. This serves to achieve a hygienic and at the same time environmentally friendly cleaning result. Our fully automatic pallet cleaning system cleans, disinfects and dries in a professional manner. In this way, you can maintain the consistently high quality of your logistics and meet the high demands of your customers.
- Reusable pallets
- Hygiene pallets like H1
- ESD pallets
Are you looking for a reliable partner for your pallet management? We are also happy to help you with this! In order not only to guarantee that the pallets are clean, but also that they are available for your logistics, we offer digital solutions for managing your pallet accounts. With our innovative software for pallet management, we enable your company to manage individual pallets so that you can provide consistently high quality. With our intelligent logistics strategy, you make a contribution to reducing CO² and can be sure that optimally cleaned pallets will always be available.